
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

MCC students win BPA awards

Three Montcalm Community College students attended the Business Professionals of America (BPA) National Leadership Conference in Chicago, May 10-14. Two of the students were awarded for their work. 

Beth Armstrong, of Vestaburg, was a top 10 finalist in college accounting and Petra Mark, of Lakeview, placed third in Prepared Speech. Mary McQuarrie, of Ionia, also competed. 

While at the conference, the students participated in leadership workshops and competed in the Workplace Skills Assessment Program. 

Mark’s speech was about how to include people with Down Syndrome into the business/workforce. 

“When I got third place, I was so proud of myself that I won,” she said. “I want to thank some of my peers that pushed me through to become better above and beyond. I want to thank my advisor, Kristen Diehl, and some of my BPA members and my parents for support.” 

Armstrong was ecstatic to place in the top 10 for college accounting. 

“Being a finalist for the college accounting competition was a delightful surprise,” she said. “Though I did my best on the exam I did not have much confidence in my score, so I was flabbergasted when my name was on the screen to go on the stage. I felt proud to represent Montcalm Community College and validated that my hard work was being recognized.” 

Bill Bishop and Kristen Diehl are co-advisers of BPA at MCC. 

BPA is the leading Career and Technical Student Organization for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields.