
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Morgan Haney: ‘I’m so thankful for MCC’


When it came to deciding what college to go to, Morgan Haney, of Edmore, couldn’t believe how much more affordable a community college was. That’s why she chose Montcalm Community College. 

“I questioned why I needed to start at a four-year college and be in debt for most of my life, when I could join a community college and receive the same education for not even a fraction of the cost,” she said. 

Haney started at MCC in 2021, right after she graduated from Greenville High School. She majored in business administration with a minor in marketing. She graduated in May 2024 with her associate degree. 

“I knew what I wanted to do when I came to MCC,” she said. “Primarily because of my marketing class at my high school. I also was a DECA member, and I loved the role play of branding products and the different marketing strategies companies have to offer.” 

DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is a high school and college program for students interested in business. The organization prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. 

One of the things Haney enjoyed most about MCC was the class sizes. 

“I grew to love the small intimate classroom sizes,” she said. “I wasn’t afraid to ask questions or volunteer to be the guinea pig because I knew there wasn’t judgement. It was different from high school, everyone that was in college classes was there because they wanted to better themselves.” 

She is thankful for all the people at MCC that helped her along the way. That’s one of the reasons she would recommend MCC to other students. 

“For those who don’t know what they want to do, there are so many knowledgeable individuals at MCC that are waiting to help you and they will help you to achieve all of your dreams, even when you’re burned out,” Haney said. “Everyone is there cheering you on and helping you with anything you need.” 

Her plans include finishing her transfer credits at MCC, then attending Central Michigan University for her bachelor’s degree. She hopes to get a job with Dow in Midland working in customer service. 

Haney credits MCC Student Success Coach Sara Hansen for her support. 

“If it wasn’t for her, I truly don’t think I would’ve made it this far,” she said. “She’s helped me to understand who I am and just how important I am in this world and that I can do hard things. I’m so thankful for MCC, I wouldn’t be where I am today if I chose a different path.” 


Media inquiries, please contact:

Shelly Springborn
Director of Communications and Public Relations