Social Media
The primary purpose of MCC’s social media presence is to positively promote and market the college to prospective and current students through the posting of event information, learning opportunities, cultural activities and engagement opportunities relevant to these areas.
Additionally, faculty, staff, students and community friends are strongly encouraged to visit these sites and comment on and share the postings.
- Montcalm Community College: MontcalmCC
- Ag Club: MontcalmCCAgClub
- Alumni & Friends: MontcalmCCAlumniFriends
- Athletics: MCCcenturions
- Bookstore: MontcalmCCBookstore
- Career & Personal Development: MCCcareerdevelopment
- Early College: EarlyCollegeatMCC
- Dual Enrollment: DualEnrollmentMCC
- Instructional Technology: MontcalmCCinstructionaltechnology
- MCC Library: MontcalmCCLibrary
- MCC President: montcalmccpresident
- Nature Trails: MCCNatureTrails
- One Book + MCC Reads: OneBookMCCReads
- Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society: ATAofMCC
- Recreation: Montcalmccrecreation
- Student Success: MCCstudentsuccess
- Workforce & Careers: MontcalmCCworkforceandcareers
- Writing Center: mccwrites
- Montcalm Community College: montcalmcc
- Athletics: montcalmcenturions
- Athletics: @MCCcenturions
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