Business Entrepreneurship Associate Degree
Where To Go From Here
This program leads to an associate of applied science degree with an emphasis in new business development, and provides the skills necessary for an entry-level job in the field of small business management. Students interested in transferring to a four-year institution are encouraged to consult an MCC counselor or academic advisor.
Why This Degree
Students who earn an associate of applied science degree acquire the skills necessary for today’s complex business economy. This degree will prepare individuals to start their own business, collaborate with others on a business or act as a consultant. If students plan to further their education, this degree will lay the foundation for continued study at the bachelor degree level, landing a career as an administrative services manager earning $60,130 to $161,650 per year. It also provides the foundation for transfer to a four-year institution. MCC has several articulation agreements with colleges and universities, which define a method for transferring credits and coursework to another institution, while completing up to three years of study at MCC.
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